About Me

Hoi-O my name is Cryztal Korizato a Non-Binary Rock Candy Vocaloid here to prove dreams do come true!My dream is to join a particular Vtuber agency.I make mixed reality content on the regular!


I take commissions through Ko-Fi for half body, full body, headshots, full renders and VRoid models.Here are some examples of my work!

Art I've Made

Current Lore

(Lore is a work in progress. . . )A lonely person ran off from home, deep off the grid feeling hopeless and lonely 'Why doesn't anyone like me?' with the primary goal of making a friend.They built a lab and decided the best way to make a friend is to create one, but how? And android of course! With the power of a wood, wax, a crystal heart, 100's of pounds of sugar, some AI, a few electronics and a self made vocal synthesizer they could finally have a friend!They got at work, building the wooden endoskeleton filled with electronics, letting sugar crystals grow around it for body parts, sanded it down and finally coated it in wax!All that was left was to give them a crystal heart in the center of their chest, the friend needed a soul to come to life and that soul had to go somewhere, what better place than a crystal?Finally on the creators birthday they performed a ritual that would split their soul in half, one half to bring their new friend to life and one half to keep them alive to see them but, the spell went horribly wrong. . .In fear of their soul being split in half their entire soul was transferred to Cryztal leaving Creator dead on the floor never able to see their creation.The next day Cryztal woke up...From here on they were going to be YOUR (everyones) friend and since they're an android what better way to do it than through Vtubing!They will prove that all dreams can and will come true so that no one has to be as miserable as their creator was!Will you be their friend?~

Original Lore

A Creator ridiculed and ruined by their past life and mental illness ran far far away from society hoping to finally be happy somewhere. They found and abandoned house and fixed it up for themself trying to lead a normal life off the grid but to no avail, something was missing. Creator was lonely and they hated people so how could the possible make a friend? That was it! They built a lab soon after in the hope to actually create a new being with the sole purpose of being creators friend. They didn't want their friend to degrade easily but they also wanted them to appear beautiful, sugar was a perfect cheap material to use. A Crystal friend made entirely out of crystallized sugar a.k.a. rock candy, but how to bring them to life? Creator went in search of a magical Tanzanite Crystal as they loved the color and figured the rarity might help their new friend be stronger. Finally having all the materials creator put their heart in a large syrup tank and began waiting for their body to form. After months and months on Creators birthday they decided this would be a perfect present to themselves and so started the magical ritual, one that would split their soul into two bringing their friend Cryztal to life! They got in front of the tank and started chanting away, the spell was working! They kept performing the ritual watching as Cryztal facted body started turning smooth and in their distraction slipped up. With the ritual being broken Creators full soul was taken leaving them dead and Cryztal coming to life the next day, alone and confused.



Hoi-O my name is Cryztal Korizato a Non-Binary Rock Candy Vocaloid here to prove dreams do come true! My dreams is to join a particular Vtuber agency. I make mixed reality content on the regular!

Hoi-O my name is Cryztal Korizato a Non-Binary Rock Candy Vocaloid here to prove dreams do come true! My dreams is to join a particular Vtuber agency. I make mixed reality content on the regular!

Hoi-O my name is Cryztal Korizato a Non-Binary Rock Candy Vocaloid here to prove dreams do come true! My dreams is to join a particular Vtuber agency. I make mixed reality content on the regular!
